Membership Application

We are always looking for talented makers to join us, and we warmly welcome applications from professional and amateur makers, young and old.

What membership offers

  • Makers accepted for membership are entitled use OCG after their name as a validation of the quality of their work. The Guild publicly acknowledges the best and most innovative work by its members: for example, we award the Audrey Blackman prize to the piece of work in the Christmas Exhibition which independent judges think best represents innovation, creativity and an exciting use of materials.
  • Membership provides selling opportunities to our members. We mount a six- week Winter Exhibition at the Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock, and several smaller exhibitions throughout the year. Public Liability Insurance, tables and lighting are provided at all OCG group exhibitions. Through our links with other creative organisations across and beyond Oxfordshire, members are also notified of additional opportune ties for exhibition and sales.
  • Members can also promote their work through its YouTube channel, and through Facebook and Instagram.
  • Membership offers the opportunity to meet and collaborate with like-minded makers in their own craft and other disciplines.
  • Our newsletter allows members to share news and ideas with other members, friends of the Guild and those signed up to our mailing list.
  • We have negotiated a discount for members from a range of craft suppliers.

Standard for Membership

Members of the Guild have a passion for their discipline, a high level of technical skill and a strong understanding of design principles. We share the belief that creative skills are important to society, that these skills in design and technology are not only important in the creation of beautiful objects that enrich our lives, but also underpin skills in many aspects of everyday work.

The Application Process

Click the big orange 'Join Us / Renew' button on this page or click here then select the Associate Member Application Form. Please complete all sections and upload your CV and up to six photographs. Please be aware initial applications do not mean membership is automatic, even if your application has been recommended by a Guild member.

Applications are initially considered by the OCG Board, elected members representing a range of different disciplines. If necessary, the Board will consult specialists in your discipline.

All applications receive a response.

If you are successful at this stage, you will be invited to meet a panel of 4 or 5 Guild members, at least one of whom would normally be a practitioner of your discipline.

The meeting which usually lasts about half an hour, is an opportunity for you to present some of your work to a small group of welcoming and approachable people. Together, we will consider the quality, range, progression and coherence of your work. There is also an opportunity to explore what you would hope to get from joining us, and what skills you might be able offer to help support the Guild.

Applicants are formally notified of the outcome within a few days.

New members are called Associate Members. We are presently considering a “Buddie System” which would support new members in how to find their ways around the Guild. After 2 years, the Board may advance Associate Members to Full Membership. The decision is based on news members having maintained the quality of their work, participated in Guild events and contributed to the running of the Guild.


Payment NOT required until membership confirmed *
FULL MEMBER (current) £55
ASSOCIATE MEMBER (current) £55

* Membership requires approval

For key Guild contacts see the Contact Us page.

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